
    تحول من از مطالعه قرآن شروع شد

    خانم سوفیا کوتلاکی (Sofia A. Koutlaki) تازه مسلمان متولد ۱۹۶۴ در یونان، استاد دانشکده علوم قرآن و مؤلف کتاب «در میان ایرانیان» است،‌ وی مسلمان شدن خود را یک اتفاق می‌داند و می‌گوید: من مسلمانانی با اخلاق دیدم و جذب این ...


    my conversion to Islam was the happiest moment in my life

    Ecille Lauron who journeyed to Islam from atheism and moved up to Shiism studied at Philippine Christian University (PCU) in Manila and then at Jose Rizal University of Mandaluyong. In response to few questions, she tells us about her journey towards the light. Ms Lauron please speak about the stages you passed by to come to the Islamic declaration and from moving from non-believing to believe in ...


    What illness has caused you to cover your body whit veil?

      ‘It starts like this- I was out with my friends one day in Hamburg’s Market and I saw this Muslim girl wearing the veil. I tried to mock her because she was wearing the veil and so ...


    Why I’m I alive? Why was I born? From where did I come? And to where do I go?

    I do not exaggerate  when I say  that none of us were alive. We did not plan with foresight our future. In fact, none of us had the courage to ask ourselves: Why I’m I alive? Why was I ...


    I did not even know that Islam existed. p:1

    I was born in the south of England, near the sea, in a small town, and grew up knowing nothing about Islam. I did not even know that Islam existed. However, as a child I had always felt a sense ...


    I did not even know that Islam existed. p:2

    ...When I was eighteen I moved to London to study Japanese, and when I was nineteen, I went to Japan as part of my degree. I found a society that had become very materialistic, and again, for me, ...


    I did not even know that Islam existed .p:2

    ...In 2002 I was asked to edit and proofread a translation of Jihad al-Nafs by al-Hurr al-Amili, and in this way I discovered who the Imams (as) were. It seemed wrong to me that I had never heard of ...


    Crater shift his religion when he had 16 years old!

    My name is Muhammad Ali Carter, I’m an English revert to Islam and this is my story of how I came to the conclusion that Shia Islam is the true path. I have been a Shia Muslim for over 4 years ...


    My opinion regarding Azadari/morning during Muharram

    In Muharram, I take time off work and travel to as many lectures and gatherings as possible. It’s a time of great sadness and after learning in great details what happened to Prophets Family and ...


    I grew up in the family alienated from religion

    Balogh kata talking about her childhood and where did she grow up I was born in 1993, and was brought up in a small town in the South-East of Hungary. The main, leading religion here is Christianity. ...


    I began to start thinking and feeling that I could, should and needed to believe

    Balogh kata is talking ...   In 2008, I befriended some Muslims, who asked if I practiced any religion, which I did not. I believe this question triggered my interest. I began to start ...


    What did you choose to embrace Shia Islam?

    The Muslims I got to know Islam from are Shia, so there was a chance if I convert, I would choose Shia Islam. Therefore, I believe it was a good starting point to my journey. They told me stories ...


    Who inspires you the most in Shia history?

    Balogh kata is answering... I am afraid, I can not pick just one person from the Household of Prophet Muhammad (saw). They all inspire me with their indescribably great personalities and teachings. ...


    مهم این است که آیا حضرت زهرا (س) نیز ما را دوست دارند؟

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم دشمنان خدا خواستند نور او را خاموش کنند اما خدا آنچنان نور خود را بر بشریت تاباند که بعد 1400 این نور, چراغ راه هدایت عده ای حقیقت جو می شود. حضرت زهرا (س) نور تابان خدا است او حورایی انسیه ای است که به ...


    Creo que, en realidad, aceptar el Islam fue muy fácil

    (Ahlul Bayt News Agency)- La conferencia de un día de duración titulada “Unión Internacional de Mujeres Musulmanas” fue mantenida en Teherán el sábado 8 ...

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