
    In a Quatrain of Imam Khomeini

    “He gives life and death, and unto Him you shall return.” (Qur’an 10:56) It is two years now since the father of the Islamic Revolution of Iran was liberated by Allah from the ...


    he became acquainted with Islam through Muslim students at Texas Southern University

    Dr. Muhammad Legenhausen has kindly consented to having his Poetry and Writings presented on The Mancebo Mosaic. It has been our wish for many years to introduce him to the general public. We are ...


    لم یکن اعتناقی للإسلام أمراً سهلاً ، وذلک لأنّی کنت مسیحیّاً کاثولیکیّاً فی أوّل الأمر

    ولد فی أمریکا سنه 1953م ، ونشأ فی أسره مسیحیّه کاثولیکیّه ، حصل علی شهاده البکالوریوس فی الفلسفه من جامعه ولایه "نیویورک" ، کما حصل علی شهاده الماجستیر والدکتوراه فی الفلسفه أیضاً من جامعه "رایتس" فی "تکساس".درس العلوم ...


    مهم این است که آیا حضرت زهرا (س) نیز ما را دوست دارند؟

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم دشمنان خدا خواستند نور او را خاموش کنند اما خدا آنچنان نور خود را بر بشریت تاباند که بعد 1400 این نور, چراغ راه هدایت عده ای حقیقت جو می شود. حضرت زهرا (س) نور تابان خدا است او حورایی انسیه ای است که به ...


    Reverts World speaks to those amongst us.

    Diana Beatty Join Reborn as Diana Beatty shares her unique reversion story. A journey like no other, Reverts World speaks to those amongst us


    "Shia Muslim Beliefs in the Bible" by Thomas McElwain

      Shia Muslim beliefs in the Bible (London Lectures) by Thomas McElwain  


    I did not even know that Islam existed. p:1

    I was born in the south of England, near the sea, in a small town, and grew up knowing nothing about Islam. I did not even know that Islam existed. However, as a child I had always felt a sense ...


    I did not even know that Islam existed .p:2

    ...In 2002 I was asked to edit and proofread a translation of Jihad al-Nafs by al-Hurr al-Amili, and in this way I discovered who the Imams (as) were. It seemed wrong to me that I had never heard of ...


    I did not even know that Islam existed. p:2

    ...When I was eighteen I moved to London to study Japanese, and when I was nineteen, I went to Japan as part of my degree. I found a society that had become very materialistic, and again, for me, ...


    What does Islam say about "mothers"?

      Q: How is a mother figure in Islam? A: Yeah I am a mother… (Laughs). It is like being a wife. There is no longer me, it's us. I remember one of my friends. She gave me this ...


    It is always "we" and you never say "me"

    I always relied on my mother because my mother was a strong figure for us and then suddenly I was by myself. It was me and my husband and of course a man does not really understand all the issues a ...


    A Brief Biography of Zahra Gonzales, converted Muslim from America

      Zahra Gonzales, converted Muslim from America Back in the mid and late ۱۹۷۰'s, an American woman got to know about Islam and gradually felt confident that thiswas the religion she ...


    changing the name after converting to Islam

    Q: Was Zahra a name that you yourself chose?  A: Actually we had some friends, Muslim friends from Saudi Arabia. They gave the suggestion to me and my sister and since my mother had chosen ...


    Hazrat Zahra in point of view of Gonzales

    Q: Could you please tell us what you have understood about the character of Hazrat Zahra (AS) or Hazrat Zeinab (AS)? A: The character of Hazrat Zahra, even though she was very young when she died ...


    Io sono nata in una famiglia cattolica

    Diana dopo la sua conversione all’Islam ha scelto il nome Hajar Hosseini. “Io sono nata in una famiglia cattolica. I miei genitori erano cristiani praticanti. Da ragazzina mi piaceva molto ...

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